
Strathberry既手袋大家都唔陌生,就連王妃Meghan Markle多次出席公開場合都有用到,而家全線手袋都有8折,不論新舊款都有,加上而家英磅咁平,機會難得,好快d去睇下啦!


HK$4062 原價$5078(8折)

呢個Strathberry 藍白色既袋款,係今季最新款式,夠晒春天感覺,實用功能性十足,極簡既造型配上風琴位既袋款設計,同標誌性Strathberry金屬杆相結合超特別又夠晒搶眼~

購買 ▶https://bit.ly/3dthkIB



HK$3168 原價$3960(8折)

Crescent 手袋同樣唔少得有Strathberry 最標誌性既金屬桿設計,獨特既細節成為左Strathberry 既標誌性設計,加上白色既設計,比人優雅又高貴既感覺

購買 ▶ https://bit.ly/2UCnbCR

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Dear Strathberry community, As we navigate this time of uncertainty, we would like to take a moment to let you know about the steps we are taking to keep our team and community safe. We have decided to shift our entire team to home office, and as of today our retail stores will be closed. Whilst we will miss the daily interaction with those of you who visit our stores in London and Edinburgh, social distancing is the easiest and most effective measure we can take at this time. As the situation is evolving rapidly, we will continue to review our position, and only re-open our stores when it is deemed safe to do so. Should anything change, we will let you know. We will continue to engage with our customers through Strathberry.com – there will be no interruptions to orders, and our committed customer service team will be on hand as usual to respond to your enquiries. Strathberry always loves to hear from YOU, our incredible community, and your support genuinely means the world to us. We want to stay connected and inspirational, so we’d love to know what you’d like to see from us during this unprecedented time. You can email us at [email protected] with suggestions, or just to say hi! We’re all in this together. Stay safe and take care of each other. With love,  Strathberry

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HK$3324 原價$4156(8折)


購買 ▶ https://bit.ly/39kyS6z


HK$2009  原價$2512(8折)


購買 ▶ https://bit.ly/2wtIQVY


HK$4348 原價$5435(8折)


購買 ▶ https://bit.ly/2UiS2FA



Promo Code▶CHIC20

溫馨提示 ▶ 買滿 GBP£150(約HK$1368)即免運費到香港澳門!

購買網址 (Strathberry)▶ https://bit.ly/2wB3EL6




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